Protecting your oral health isn’t just about brushing your teeth and flossing. Believe it or not, your diet plays a major role too. Certain foods can help provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fats that can not just help your body, but it can also benefit your teeth and gums.
If you’re looking for ways to eat healthier and improve your oral health at the same time, try these nutritious suggestions!
Essential Fats
Fish such as salmon are a great source of omega 3 fats, which can reduce inflammation, a contributing factor in many cases of periodontal (gum) disease.
Seeds & Nuts
Seeds and nuts are packed with calcium and fiber, both of which can help protect your teeth and gums.
Sugar-Free Gum
Chewing sugar free gum neutralizes plaque acid and freshens your breath. It also boosts saliva production, which helps keep your mouth moisturized and rinses away food and plaque.
Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are full of myriad vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and chewing crunchy varieties can also help clean your teeth!
Milk, cheese, and yogurt all have beneficial calcium which protects your tooth enamel, and yogurt is packed with probiotics, which can help balance your levels of the good bacteria that can help prevent cavities.
Green Tea
Green tea is full of catechins that can help lower your risk of periodontal disease.
Drinking water not only helps hydrate the entire body, it’s also beneficial for your teeth and gums because it can wash away food debris and plaque without leaving behind any dangerous residue.
Other Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Periodontal Disease
In addition to maintaining a well-balanced diet, here are a few other ways to reduce your risk of periodontal disease:
- Brush your teeth twice a day
- Floss at least once a day
- Attend your semi-annual dental exams
- Don’t Smoke
Remember, protecting your teeth and gums starts with your diet. To help reduce your risk of dangerous oral health issues, be sure to consume a variety of healthy ingredients in addition to caring for your oral hygiene, and you’ll have plenty to smile about!
About Dr. Lamberti
Dr. Alberto Lamberti is a skilled dentist with a keen interest in prosthodontics and was even an Assistant Professor at the Tufts University Prosthodontics Department for nearly ten years. Dr. Lamberti enjoys working on complex oral health cases and helping to provide patients with compassionate care that improves their health and well-being.
To schedule an appointment for periodontal treatment, please visit our website or call us today at 561-338-7535.